Life coaching is not therapy. But what exactly are the differences? 

Life coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals in areas like career, relationships, and personal growth, using action-oriented strategies and motivation. It’s about moving forward and improving specific aspects of life.

Therapy, on the other hand, delves into past experiences and emotions to address psychological issues, heal wounds, and understand how these impact current behaviors and emotions. It’s more about exploring and resolving deep-seated issues.

While life coaches help clients achieve their aspirations and enhance their lives, therapists support clients dealing with mental health concerns, relationship challenges, and broader emotional issues. Both are valuable depending on what you need—practical guidance or deeper emotional exploration.

As a spiritual coach, I am focusing specifically on guiding individuals through spiritual growth and development. This niche is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a deeper connection with themselves and their spiritual path, and who are open to exploring the realms beyond traditional life coaching techniques. 

My Coaching approach includes: 

  • Integration of Spirituality 
  • Exploration of Purpose and Meaning
  • Inner Healing and Transformation
  • Connection to Higher Self or Source
  • Alignment with Universal Laws
  • Holistic Approach
  • Supporting Spiritual Practices

Single 1:1 Coaching Session

you get dedicated attention, where I tailor sessions specifically to your goals and challenges. It’s a personalized approach where we explore together deep-seated issues, develop customized strategies, and you’ll receive intensive support. Sessions are flexible, confidential, and focused entirely on your growth and progress.

The sessions are 60 min long

-includes guided meditation-


I feel so much better! I can clearly see the changes after this journey. I feel more confident about myself and the choices I can make for my life. Now I definitely talk to myself more kindly about my mistakes, my fears, and my insecurities, I can acknowledge them without making them mine. Also, now I feel more at peace with my past, with my relationships, and mainly with my relationship with myself. I think that the most important thing I learned through this journey is the power that our inner dialogue can have with how we feel, how we live in the present, and how we embrace the future. With very specific changes in my mindset, I discovered how different I can feel about things that worried me before. I see very clearly now how changing our thoughts can change our feelings, and I think that is my biggest takeaway. Its been an amazing experience. Through this journey I was able to work in completely changing my mindset to a more confident, kind and loving one. Is amazing how Sophia always chooses the perfect activity and questions to approach whatever the topic is. And just by exploring those answers and the results of those activities you can be able to grow so much. She is great in what she does, she is the perfect coach.
Bárbara Paola
Sophia's coaching over the past few months has truly transformed my mindset, enabling me to establish robust and focused goals that are incredibly actionable. Among the numerous coaches I've collaborated with, her calibre stands out. Her superpower is being able to coach you on the change you want but also coaching you on the change you need. Our sessions have allowed me to regain focus and motivation while finding inner peace. I look forward to continuing to work with Sophia and would recommend her to anyone on their personal journey.
Dank der gemeinsamen Zeit, die ich mit Sophia verbringen durfte, kann ich klarer Denken. Ich denke rational und urteile nicht intuitiv, sondern lasse mir Zeit, um das Gehörte von Mitmenschen zu verarbeiten. Sophias Coaching Methode ist sehr ehrlich und überhaupt nicht fordernd. Sie stellt intelligente und tiefgründige Fragen, welche zum Denken anregen. Die Antwort auf deine Fragen, findest du selbst. Es ist nicht dein Coach, es ist das Coaching das dich weiterbringt. Ich empfehle jedem ein Coaching mit Sophia, der/die auf dem Weg zur Findung von seiner/ihrer Leidenschaft oder dem Lebenssinn nicht weiterkommt. Der/Die sich fragt, was sind meine Stärken, was ist meine Bestimmung? Sie öffnet Knoten und Türen in deinem Geist und deiner Denkweise. Durch ihre ruhige und geduldige Art, fühlst du dich sofort am richtigen Ort aufgehoben. Danke Sophia!
One word: EXCEPTIONAL. After only four sessions, I am literally a whole new person! I feel way better now. I feel grounded, happy and comfortable with myself. I feel powerful, certain about my decisions, and I know the value of loving myself enough to have the strength to walk away and say no to whatever/whoever can hurt me. I met Sophia during a time that was very difficult for me on a personal level, and I truly did not think that I would be able to move on with my life at all! After just four sessions, I actually did it! I moved on faster than I have imagined, and Sophia helped me understand that sometimes in life, you have to prioritize yourself even when it might seem selfish, because otherwise you will end up badly hurt. And that's something I was not sure about doing, I needed a push forward, and I needed to also vocalize it and have someone confirm it! Speaking of which, Sophia is an EXCEPTIONAL listener. What I liked the most about her is her ability to naturally connect with you. She offers a safe space, and you can tell she is genuine - she is not faking her attention. Sophia is also very understanding, and capable of reading behind the lines - we did our sessions through a web camera, and it always felt like I am meeting her face to face! I never felt like the sessions were virtual. She was very radiant and every time, so much good energy transmitted to me that by the end of every single session, I feel happier and healthier. I highly recommend Sophia because it is so hard nowadays to find someone who would still keep the human value in coaching, and is so eager about helping people - not about making money. Sophia will be your friend, not just your coach. I also want to highlight her intercultural sensitivity, because I come from a very different background, and I never felt like she was not understanding me. Her questions are always smart and well targeted/specific, I always felt like she knew what I was going through and what conclusions I need to come to, before I even did myself! I really loved how professional and smart she is in understanding and analyzing your personality but without showing it, because she would keep that friendly atmosphere, not the coach/client dynamic. So, she always knew what I needed and what I should work on but she had a smart way of helping me get to it! If you want to invest in yourself (which you should), I say do lifecoaching with Sophia, I know FOR SURE that you will not regret it, and that you will come to a discovery by the end that you haven't even know about yourself. Her methods are transformative, and her coaching is unique. Sometimes in life we need a push and we need a friend. Sophia can and will do both! She is the one who will help you keep your balance as you navigate obstacles within your own mind to help you reach any conclusion safely. I hope everyone learns from Sophia, her heart is one of a kind!
Ich fühle mich jetzt nach dem Coaching deutlich besser und klarer als zuvor. Vor dem Coaching hatte ich das Gefühl, dass ich den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen konnte und nicht wusste, wo ich anfangen sollte. Auf meinem Weg habe ich gelernt, die Dinge strukturierter anzugehen und herauszufiltern, welche Dinge den meisten Fokus benötigen. Mein größter Meilenstein war definitiv, die Baustellen in meinem Leben Schritt für Schritt anzugehen, anstatt immer nur drumherum zu laufen. Die Coachings waren sehr wertvoll für mich, weil du mir Perspektiven geben konntest und Anleitungen dafür, wie ich Probleme in meinem Leben besser angehen und aus dem Weg schaffen kann. Ich würde das Coaching mit dir definitiv weiterempfehlen! Du hast mir sehr geholfen, den Fokus wiederzufinden, den ich zwischenzeitlich verloren hatte. Durch dich habe ich noch einmal andere Perspektiven und Inspirationen im Bezug auf mein Leben bekommen. Ich möchte hervorheben, dass du mir nie das Gefühl gegeben hast, etwas nicht erzählen zu können. Du hast mir immer zugehört, und deine Ratschläge waren sehr wertvoll und vor allem praktisch für mich umsetzbar.